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Draft January 11,2018 Parks and Recreation Commission meeting
Antrim Parks & Recreation Commission

January 11, 2018
The meeting was called to order at 7:03 pm.
Parks & Rec Commissioners:  Isaac Lombard, Chris Morris, Joan Gorga and Mike Genest
Recreation Director: Celeste Lunetta
The minutes from the December 14, 2017 meeting were approved with amendments.
CIP. We have not heard any comments regarding our CIP budget submission, but the committee will be meeting with the Selectboard in another week.
Shea Field
Tree Removal. The power line is covered by Eversource. Robblee’s has placed the tree removal at the top of its list and will be able to access it from the road. Fence repair will wait until spring.
Ice Skating, Snowshoeing, Nordic Skiing. Ice skating has been going well. Volunteers have been helping to clear the snow and the snowblower has also helped with snow removal. With the stretch of extreme cold, not too many people have been using the rink. Conditions should be great after the upcoming storm, which will allow the surface to thaw. Celeste will make a sign saying Skating Open and will try to guide people to approach only from the playground, if needed, to protect the field, or from the shed, if possible.
The snowshoe track will be re-laid out when we get fresh snow. Jim Rodriguez has agreed to groom a Nordic ski track after the rain and thaw. Celeste will try to set up an official weekend event in late January to encourage people to come out and try snowshoeing and Nordic skiing.
Other maintenance. It appears that ConVal has not signed the Shea Field agreement, although it appears to have been approved according to School Board meeting minutes from October 18, 2016. Celeste believes the School Board did sign, and will check into when that may have been. At this point, there are suggestions that they would like to move to one agreement that covers both Shea Field and the Town Gym.
The Lamb Field House sign was presented to Peter Lamb at a gathering in December.
Town Gym
ConVal agreement. We have been told verbally that we should be contacted by Jim Fredrickson soon. Donna is gathering files and background information for further discussion of the shared use of the Town Gym.
Rec Dept.
Program Stats. Joan made a digital record of the program stats Celeste provided. Celeste will proofread and make any additions or corrections. She added the new skiing program, with 11 students from Antrim and 1 from Bennington, who take the Town Bus to Crotched Mountain on Tuesday afternoons.
Senior Center Collaboration. Wednesday afternoon indoor walking and other programs, such as movies for adults, will begin again in February.
Policy Reviews. Celeste asked Commission members to read through existing policies for private parties renting out the Town Gym and two documents she found regarding requirements for background checks for coaches, which she would like to merge into an Antrim policy.
Other Updates. Celeste’s request to the Richardson Trust for $7200 was approved; $6280 remains from 2016 and we expect around $10,000 to come in for 2017.
The next regularly scheduled Parks & Recreation Commission Meeting will be Thursday, February 8th at 7:00 pm at the Rec Office.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:41 pm.
-Joan Gorga, Chair and Secretary